4-7-2022 Tecumseh vs. Hilldale

  • Caleb Sparks
    Caleb Sparks
  • Caleb Sparks
    Caleb Sparks
  • Tecumseh sophomore Rowdy Kinsey tags a runner at second base during the first inning of the home game against Hilldale on April 7. Tecumseh lost 1-9. Countywide & Sun/Natasha Dunagan
    Tecumseh sophomore Rowdy Kinsey tags a runner at second base during the first inning of the home game against Hilldale on April 7. Tecumseh lost 1-9. Countywide & Sun/Natasha Dunagan
  • Hayden Coker
    Hayden Coker
  • Tecumseh senior Jaxon Meyers keeps his eye on the ball and ends up walking during the first inning of the home game against Hilldale.
    Tecumseh senior Jaxon Meyers keeps his eye on the ball and ends up walking during the first inning of the home game against Hilldale.
  • Braxton Meier
    Braxton Meier